Improve Your Health With Music

6There are numerous clinical studies that support the health benefits associated with music.  Although the efficacies may vary with the genre of music and particular ailments, the results are inarguable – music supports healing and good health.  We at MindMagic®Audio believe that there’s logic in the assumption, improve your music by improving the listening experience and you increase the benefits associated with listening to music.  Read the quotes below and then click on the links following the quotes to learn more about music and your health.

“For some athletes and for many people who run, jog, cycle, lift weights and otherwise exercise, music is not superfluous—it is essential to peak performance and a satisfying workout.”

Let's Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music –

By Ferris Jabr  - March 20, 2013    Scientific American™

“Music has been related to cardiovascular health and used as adjunct therapy in patients with cardiovascular disease.”

Music Decreases Aortic Stiffness And Wave Reflections

Panagiotis Xaplanteris – March 10, 2010 – National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

 “Listening to music can reduce chronic pain from a range of painful conditions, including osteoarthritis, disc problems and rheumatoid arthritis, by up to 21% and depression by up to 25%, according to a paper in the latest UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing.

How Music Affects Us and Promotes Health - Updated: August, 2014 - eMed Expert

Why listening to music is the key to good health


How it helps: Music works on the autonomic nervous system - the part of the nervous system responsible for controlling our blood pressure, heartbeat and brain function - and also the limbic system - the part of the brain that controls feelings and emotions. According to one piece of research, both these systems react sensitively to music.



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